Medical Skin Needling, also known as micro needling or derma roller, is a collagen induction therapy. The procedure helps stimulate the skin to regenerate and repair itself, creating smoother, plumper, tighter, brighter, healthier looking skin.
Medical Skin Needling, also known as micro needling or derma roller, is a collagen induction therapy. The procedure helps stimulate the skin to regenerate and repair itself, creating smoother, plumper, tighter, brighter, healthier looking skin.
1 hour
Local anaesthetic cream applied up to 30 minutes prior to treatment
Post-treatment redness on day of treatment, next day should be normal
Due to increased collagen production, expect a more even skin tone after 4 – 6 weeks, with less scarring and a smoother complexion. Some improvement visible after swelling subsides
Anyone with an uneven skin tone, scarring, sun damage, fine lines or wrinkles