Gummy Smile


When too much gum tissue is displayed when smiling, this is known as a gummy smile. There are a number of reasons for this condition, which can range from mild to severe and can cause the affected person a degree of unhappiness if they perceive it to be unattractive.

Having the perfect smile is an asset that many people strive to possess, with the ideal amount of gum display being around 2mm – 4 mm.
A gummy smile can easily be treated with anti wrinkle injections with minimal side effects. The best part of this treatment is that it is not invasive and it is a quick procedure. Using botulinum toxin type A, and when injected, can relax the muscles in the upper lip and limit the rise of the upper lip when smiling, so the gums will remain covered. Two or more units are injected into the area between the nose and upper lip to reduce the appearance of any “gummy” smile, creating a more appealing and natural smile.

Gummy Smile
Gummy Smile

10 minutes of treatment time





Final result

Full result will be seen at 14 days post treatment. A more natural, less gummy smile.


How does it work?

We’ll help get you comfortable and then strategically inject into two small areas around 2-4 units of product.
The procedure takes 10 to 15 minutes and requires zero downtime, so you can come in during your lunch hour and then head right back to your daily activities. Most patients notice a difference in their smiles and not much gum is seen within three to four days of treatment. The softening of the lip lift results in a more attractive smile that you’ll be happy to show off.

What aftercare is needed?

Very little to no downtime. You can resume regular activity straight away apart from no laying down for 2-4 hours post treatment and only minimal exercising.

How long will the results last?

Most people see results last for 3-4 months.