Coolsculpting – Double Chin Reduction

CoolSculpting Fat Reduction

CoolSculpting is the number one non-surgical fat-freezing treatment in the world designed to target stubborn fat and to contour and shape the body.

The treatment uses controlled cooling to crystallise fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated from your body in the weeks following treatment. Once the fat cells are removed from the area, they are gone forever.

The device offers a non-surgical alternative to liposuction and can be used to reduce fat in areas of common concern including the abdomen, thighs, love handles, “saddle bags”, flanks, bra fat, arms and even double chins.

CoolSculpting Areas
Areas that can be done with CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is the world leading fat freezing treatment. It is FDA approved meaning it has been clinically proven to be both safe and effective during stringent, independent studies. It has freeze detect technology which is a patented technology which constantly monitors the skins temperature. This keeps the treatment area temperature even at 4 degrees, preventing any freeze burns meaning treatment is both safe and effective.

CoolSculpting has a slew of copycat machines which have been developed to mimic its technology. But it is important to understand the difference between this and other cryolipolysis machines.


35-45 minutes (per application)




The area can feel a little tender or sensitive for 2-3 days but will not interfere with your daily routine.

No. of treatments

Multiple applications and sessions may be required


Cryoglobulinaemia, Paraoxysmal Cold Heamoglobinuria, Pregnancy & breast-feeding

Final result

Up to 25-40% fat reduction of any area treated. You may need 2 sessions to see a more visible result.

Suitable for

Fat reduction in the body and chin


Can CoolSculpting help you lose weight?

The short answer is, there’s really no substitute for a healthy diet and exercise leading to weight loss.  But for people who have less than two or three stone to lose, and want to target stubborn areas of fat (many people’s least favourite parts of their body are their ‘love handles’, ‘bingo wings’ or ‘back fat’.), CoolSculpting is the perfect treatment to reduce the unwanted fat that causes those annoying lumps and bulges.

Does CoolSculpting work?

CoolSculpting targets those stubborn areas of unwanted fat by actually freezing the cells. It’s a process called cryolipolysis, where cold destroys the fat, and it’s then flushed out of your body by the natural elimination processes of your lymphatic system. Once those fat cells are gone, they won’t usually come back.

It doesn’t destroy all your fat cells – usually about 20-25 percent of the fat cells in the treated area. It won’t affect any other area of your body, only the area treated. The fat cells elsewhere in your body won’t move around, so they can’t just move in and replace the cells that CoolSculpting has got rid of.

There are over 50 scientific studies and papers confirming the effectiveness of this cryolipolysis procedure, so you can be confident that it does work.

How is CoolSculpting different from losing weight?

When you lose weight, fat cells all over your body shrink in size. But they don’t disappear. Those fat cells are still there, but smaller. If you gain weight again, they’ll get larger. Most people don’t produce more fat cells after puberty, but if you put on a lot of weight it is possible for your body to develop new fat cells.

Because CoolSculpting actually destroys the fat cells, enabling your body to eliminate them, it’s a great way to permanently eliminate fat from areas that diet and exercise alone don’t seem to touch.

Can I have CoolSculpting even if I still need to lose weight?

CoolSculpting is ideal if you’ve already lost some weight but need help to get rid of the last stubborn areas, or if you are within 2 or 3 stone of your ideal weight. It can give a big boost to your weight loss motivation, as you see those stubborn lumps and bumps melt away!

How long does it take?

Here at Hill Street Clinic we’re really excited, because we’re the first clinics in Jersey to use CoolAdvantage by Allergan. This innovative new way of delivering the fat freezing treatment means that the treatment time is now from just 35 minutes. As well as being quicker, it’s even more comfortable, and delivers more effective results.

Even better, there’s no downtime or recovery period. Unlike surgical treatments, aftercare is as simple as the treatment itself. You might experience a little redness, numbness or tingling immediately after treatment, but this will pass completely, along with any swelling, in the first few weeks after treatment.

You’ll start to notice the difference as early as three weeks after your treatment, as your body starts to eliminate the fat cells, and after three months the results will be at their most dramatic.

Is CoolSculpting really safe and pain-free?

CoolSculpting is FDA approved, and completely safe and comfortable – you won’t need any pain reducing medication during your treatment. CoolSculpting also uses Freeze Detect™ technology, which detects any skin change throughout the treatment session and stops it automatically if necessary, preventing freeze burns or any skin damage. We will use a combination of different applicators depending on the area of the body being treated, to ensure your comfort and the best possible results.

You’ll have a comprehensive consultation before any treatment, to make sure it’s suitable for you.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of CoolSculpting treatments will depend on the size and area needed to be treated so it is impossible to predict how many cycles you may need. Please book a free consultation to understand how many treatments you would need.

Who is the ideal candidate for CoolSculpting?

The ideal candidate is within two to three stones of their ideal body weight and has pockets of pinch-able soft fat.

What areas can be treated with CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting can eliminate pockets of unwanted fat on the stomach, love handles, back, arms, thighs, saddle bags, bra fat, man boobs and a double chin.

What does the CoolSculpting treatment involve?

A special cooling pad is first applied to protect the skin. This is followed by the CoolSculpting handpiece which is curved to accurately target the individual treatment area(s). Patients may feel a firm pull and pressure but no pain. There are no needles, no surgery, no special diets and no downtime.

During the procedure patients can read, work on their laptops or just relax.

How long does a treatment take?

One treatment takes around 35 minutes per cycle. The total duration will depend upon the number of treatments/cycles you are having.

Are there any safety mechanisms?

Yes, CoolSculpting has an inbuilt Freeze Detect safety measure to ensure there is NO RISK of damage or burns to the skin during treatment. This is the ONLY device on the market which incorporates this safety mechanism.

Fat freezes at a higher temperature than other body tissue, so body fat can be frozen safely using this technique without damaging any of the surrounding structures or the surface of the skin. It also keeps the skin warm whilst freezing takes place meaning even deep lying fat cells can be destroyed.

What is the recovery time after treatment?

Unlike surgical procedures such as liposuction, a tummy tuck or even laser lipolysis, fat removal by this method requires no recovery time.

You can return to your normal activities immediately after treatment. There may some redness, minor bruising, tingling or numbness in the treated area, but this is only temporary and will settle completely.

When will I see results?

As the crystallized fat cells break down, they are naturally flushed from your body by the lymphatic system. Results can be seen as early as three weeks after treatment, with the most dramatic results visible after one to three months.

The process of fat shedding usually continues for up to four months, after which time there will be a 25-40% fat reduction in the treated areas.

What are the long term results?

As CoolSculpting results in the treated fat cells being eliminated from the body it is proven to be a permanent method of fat removal. As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle and do not gain excess weight, your results should be long-lasting and the stubborn areas of fat should not return.

Can I have repeat CoolSculpting treatments?

Noticeable results can be seen after just one treatment. However, many patients opt to have a second treatment (for a further 25 – 40% fat reduction) to achieve more dramatic results.

For those looking to treat the chin with CoolSculpting, combining this with Ultherapy is a fantastic option to treat drooping and sagging of the skin and jowls to provide a non-invasive facelift.